Terms & Conditions



  1. Estimates will only be binding upon Matheson Damp Services Ltd, if accepted in writing electronically or otherwise within a period of ninety (90) days from the date of issue. If our team determines after work has commenced that a change in the treatment method is necessary to ensure the most effective barrier against water penetration, they will provide guidance and discuss the adjustments with the client. Our estimates are based on the scope of the service provided rather than the time taken, we offer an estimated timeframe as a guideline. If work is cancelled or rescheduled within 2 working days of work commencement, we withhold the right to impose a charge of £500+VAT.

  2. Skirting boards and sockets. Prior to commencement of works, the client is requested to remove skirtings, unless included in our estimate. If the removal is included in our estimate, all possible care will be taken in the removal of skirting boards. However, in some cases the skirting boards may be affected by rot (as a result of damp walls) or broken during removal. Matheson Damp Services Ltd accepts no liability for any damage caused to skirting boards during their removal. Please note that we do not re-fix skirting boards as part of our services. Our team will isolate any sockets located on a treatment wall and reattach them once the work is complete. However, in some cases sockets and back boxes may be affected by damp or broken during removal. Matheson Damp Services Ltd accepts no liability for any damage caused to sockets and back boxes during their removal. Routers and any other sensitive electric equipment must be removed from the work area prior to the work commencing and will not be reinstated by Matheson Damp Services Ltd. In such instances, a specialist contractor would be required to carry out the above repairs.
  1. Furnishings, obstructions, household items etc. Prior to the attendance of our technicians, the client is requested to have all wall obstructions, furniture, and fixtures removed for a distance of at least 2.5m from the walls to be treated. If our team arrives on site and this has not been completed, we withhold the right to impose a charge of £80+VAT per hour for delays in starting the work. Where such items remain in place, treatments may be limited to accessible areas only. We kindly request that the client ensures the floor area is cleaned prior to our attendance to facilitate proper adhesion of the floor coverings. Whilst all reasonable precautions will be taken to avoid the spread of dust from the work area, it is inevitable that the property will require further cleaning works by the client upon completion of works. It is the responsibility of the letting agents and landlords to ensure that the tenant fulfils this requirement prior to our attendance. Please note that the fee will remain applicable regardless of whether this information has been communicated to the tenant.
  1. Repairs and removals. It is the responsibility of the client: (a) to attend to and rectify all external sources of moisture ingress which have been identified at the survey such as external render, surface and sub-surface drainage, rain-water goods, roofing, paving etc before the company will undertake any remedial works (waterproofing, timber treatment, damp proofing) (b) to ensure the maintenance of the building in a sound, weatherproof condition, as listed above, after works are completed. Our Guarantee does not cover the failure of any work undertaken by the company if the client does not comply completely with these conditions. Sufficient time should be allowed for any repairs to settle; please consult the contractor for an appropriate timescale. Please note that we may request proof of repair, such as an invoice or other documentation, to confirm that the prior works have been completed. If the customer is advised to remove radiators, kitchen units, bathroom units, or other fixtures, these actions must be completed prior to the commencement of our work. If our team arrives on site and the required repairs and/or removals have not been completed, we withhold the right to impose a charge of  £500+VAT per day for delays in starting the work. In cases where work cannot commence on the agreed date, we will rearrange as soon as possible; however, please note that our schedule is typically busy, and this may affect the rescheduling timeline.
  1. Unforeseen Additional Costs. Any estimate is based upon the assumption that the existing plaster work does not exceed 25mm (1″) thickness and that there is regular brick or stonework behind existing plaster. If after the commencement of work, unforeseen difficulties arise due the collapse of insecure brickwork or to irregular bonding of the brickwork, or any other cause, our team will pause work and promptly inform the client. The required materials and labour will be assessed and a revised estimate outlining the additional costs will be provided for the client’s approval. Our team will make every effort to remove all waste from the site. However, due to the substantial weight of plaster removed from the damaged walls, it may not be possible for our team to transport all bagged waste from the property. To ensure the safety of our staff and prevent overloading our work vehicles, any remaining waste may require collection by our waste contractor. Please note that this could incur additional charges.
  1. Timber rot quotes. An initial estimate for timber rot or infestation will be provided based on the areas accessible for assessment during the survey. However, due to the unpredictable nature of timber rot and infestation, we cannot guarantee that the issue has not extended beyond the initially estimated area. Should our team discover additional spread upon removing the initial damaged section, we will pause work and promptly inform the client. The required materials and labour will be assessed and a revised estimate outlining the additional costs will be provided for the client’s approval. For timber treatment in a floor area above another property, the client will need to contact the property owner below to arrange communication with Matheson Damp Services Ltd. Please note that work cannot commence until contact with the neighbouring property owner has been established, to mitigate potential liability for any resulting damage to adjacent properties.
  1. Fireplace. If our team uncovers a dormant fireplace during the removal of existing plaster, they will inform you of any necessary adjustments to the treatment plan. Please note that due to the uneven brickwork which can be found in older fireplaces, some loss of wall depth may occur as our team works to achieve a flat and even finish. For existing fireplaces, we will treat the area for dampness; however, it is the client’s responsibility to ensure that the area is appropriately prepared and treated to meet fire safety requirements.
  1. Damage to wiring/pipe work. Matheson Damp Services Ltd shall not be responsible for any damage to electrical wiring or pipe which has become apparent during or after the treatment.
  1. Damage to interior decoration and paint. While Matheson Damp Services Ltd will make every effort to minimise damage, there is always a risk of incidental damage to interior decorations and paint during the treatment. Redecoration should not be attempted until the preservation has dried thoroughly. Wallpapering must not be carried out within a minimum of 12-months (and paint within a minimum of 4-6 weeks) of completion of the DPC contract to enable drying out to occur. Water-based breathable emulsion paint only must be used, during this drying out period. Estimates for remedial treatment submitted by us do not allow for redecoration.
  1. Aftercare. Complete drying out depends on the wall thickness and its porosity, the quantity of moisture and the ventilation over the surface of the walls. Non- vinyl moisture permeable emulsion paint can be used after walls have thoroughly dried. Impervious type wall coverings such as vinyl and washable papers or paints should not be used until the treated walls are fully dried out. Full drying out may take up to one month for each 25mm thickness of wall. Hair line cracking of the setting coat may occur after re plastering has been carried out. This will not present a problem regarding the efficiency of the new plaster and should be made good when decorating. The drying of the plaster must not be accelerated, i.e. dehumidifier, heaters, etc in any way as the render may crack thus allowing residual moisture to come through. We cannot accept any responsibility for this. Care must be taken to ensure that renderings, waterproofing/tanking are not damaged by fixings or skirting’s etc. It is the client’s responsibility to ensure the property remains in a sound, waterproof condition at all times and not modified or damaged as a result of, for example, building work, subsidence, flooding, poor quality repairs or inadequate maintenance. Our Guarantee extends to the areas rendered & plastered by us only and does not include any abutting walls or plaster/ render carried out by others, adjoining our works. If inset timbers are left in situ to areas affected by dampness, such as and not limited to, door / window frames or staircase timbers, our Guarantee will not apply to the junction between timber and plaster unless a functional physical Damp Proof Membrane between timber and plaster is in place. Tanking and waterproofing render systems are designed to be an impervious barrier to moisture. The systems must not be punctured or damaged by construction, building or other works without prior written consent by Matheson Damp Services Ltd, and the property must be kept watertight and well maintained by the client. Failure to comply will invalidate the Guarantee. Our Guarantee will not be valid until re-plastering in accordance with our specification has been carried out. Please refer to Aftercare Sheet for more information.
  1. Ceiling/Roof Structure. Matheson Damp Services Ltd will not be responsible for any damage to the ceiling structure, whether or not in the roof space, in which Matheson Damp Services Ltd staff have to carry out work, which is structurally in a weakened condition through insects or fungal attacks or for any other reason.
  1. Matheson Damp Services Ltd will not accept responsibility for any damage that may occur whilst working on structurally weakened timbers or other material. We will not accept responsibility for damage which may be caused to adjacent or adjoining walls or objects in near proximity to the above-mentioned walls which may be affected by vibrations during remedial works.
  1. Matheson Damp Services Ltd or its employees accepts no liability for accidental loss, damage or injury to the property to be treated or any adjoining property, or the contents of any such property, or for any nuisance caused to the owners or occupiers of any such property and the client shall release and indemnify Matheson Damp Services Ltd from and against all claims arising from such loss, damage or injury.
  1. Survey Report, Matheson Damp Services Ltd does not express an opinion about uninspected areas or advice upon the condition or risk to concealed parts of the property and should not be relied upon to do so. We recommend that you should obtain a Building Condition survey from a Chartered Surveyor prior to exchange of contracts on your purchase. Our inspection has been carried out to the accessible areas only. We draw to your attention, that unless otherwise indicated, walls obstructed by fitted units, tiles and/or dry lining and floors covered with any material have not been inspected and are therefore excluded from our report. Where works include the party wall, clients should consent with neighbours (Party wall act 1996). Matheson Damp Services Ltd accept no responsibility for failure to report on any condition which is not visible at the time our inspection was carried out. The report on which this estimate is based is copyright and is the property of Matheson Damp Services Ltd. It is supplied for the client’s use only and cannot be put to any other use.
  1. Payment Terms. Payment for any work (including written report), undertaken by Matheson Damp Services Ltd is required immediately on completion and receipt of invoice. A 40% deposit on all works will be invoiced within 7 days prior to work commencing, and final invoice should be paid on completion of works. The 40% deposit will become non-refundable once work has commenced. Guarantees will not be issued until all monies have been received and cleared through our bank account. Guarantees are underwritten by the product manufacturer and can take up to 21 days to process.
  1. In accepting this estimate and instructing Matheson Damp Services Ltd to proceed with the work contained therein the Client will be deemed to have personally accepted the Company’s Terms and Conditions and undertaken the responsibility to pay the amount due to the Company immediately on completion of the agreed work.

    Our Damp Services

    Rising Damp Matheson Damp Services

    Rising Damp

    Rising damp can lead to structural damage within buildings if left untreated.

    Wet and Dry Rot Treatment Matheson Damp Services

    Dry and Wet Rot

    When unwanted moisture finds its way into a building, wooden joists, floors and roof timbers are often affected.

    Water Penetration Matheson Damp Services

    Water Penetration

    Water is a persistent invader and will find a way to gradually work its way into the fabric of the building.

    Timber Treatment Matheson Damp Services

    Timber Infestation

    Infestation by wood boring insects can lead to extensive damage to timber throughout a property unless treated.
    Condensation and Mould Matheson Damp Se

    Condensation & Mould

    Often caused by poor ventilation and inadequate circulation, mould and condensation require treatment.
    Basement Waterproofing Matheson Damp Se

    Basement Waterproofing

    Waterproofing allows the use of an otherwise damp and miserable space to be safe, dry and habitable.

    Call Matheson Damp Services today on 07898 010 682 or 07718 997 586 or email us now.

    We’d love the opportunity to show why our exceptional service sets us apart from the rest of the field.